Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Mite Talks

This baby is a non talker. Actually, up till now, he hasn't known how to speak in English. He has been steadily babbling along in some unknown language. And we think, since he joined us here, that he ought to make an effort to speak English. He has rather thought that he could get around it with crying, whining, pointing, and having these silent little lay at your feet tantrums that really crack me up. The Prof took him to his well check up with the doc last week. He was all kinds of helpful before abandoning me for 8 days to work in sunny Florida, and then going back with the big boys for 7 days after being home 5. This is good for your hubby, letting them try out your job for size. Anyway, Prof was feeling a bit behind the curve as Mite only had about 6 words in his vocab, and he only used them if he was in the right kinda mood (read: not teething and therefore attached to Mom's hip). So we started counting his words and the big kids got in on the act. So he decided to accommodate us and add lots more. Today's word was "tickle" when he wanted me to tickle his feet while wrestling on the jammies.

Four kids to the dentist on two different days this week, zero cavities, one lecture about brushing better for Two Bits, and 3 orthodontist referrals (that is what I get for asking!) Mite got to be pretty comfy and bold around the office. And apparently he wanted his big brother to come and visit him. You see, when Buck has been hybernating in the basement bedroom, we use the heating vents to call him upstairs. It saves me the trip up and down since he can't hear me yell from the top of the stairs. So Mite goes over to the air vent and called big brothers name down the vent. Perhaps Mite thought he could hurry us out of there by getting his big bro. We had a good chuckle over that one.

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